产品编码: | ShockMaster 500 |
产品品牌: | 比利时ShockMaster |
起订数量: | 1(PCS) |
标准版型号 ShockMaster 500-I ╚单通道/一把冲击波发射治疗手柄,3个传导子,含一个震动传导子╝
豪华版型号 ShockMaster 500-II ╚双通道/两把冲击波发射治疗手柄,7个传导子,含一个震动传导子╝
比利时纯进口 ShockMaster 500 可以装配不同的传导子作治疗。而且ShockMaster 500-II 支援同时连接两把冲击波发射治疗手柄,工作量特别忙的治疗单位可选配两把装上不同传导子的发射治疗手柄,从而省却了更换传导子的时间。
比利时纯进口 ShockMaster 500 代表着最先进的、最优良的技术、用户方便性和现代的设计;
频率调节范围:1-21Hz(V-ACTOR 是35Hz)
ShockMaster 500 体外冲击波骨科治疗仪优势:
☆ 无需麻醉和药物辅助
Many years of experience in the world of rehabilitation and physiotherapy have resulted in the successful development of this customized device that is unique in its functionality and usability.
The ShockMaster 500 has been developed in close collaboration with the (para) medical world. This unique 免费bination of state-of-the-art technology and an intelligent user interface is an absolute must for every practice.
•Intelligent User interface:
•Visual evaluation process of the patient with VAS score
•2 output channels for hand pieces for optimal treatment duration
•Virtually noiseless and vibration-free oil 免费pressor
•6 different applicators
•V-ACTOR® technology for stimulation of the muscle
•D-ACTOR® technology for trigger points and myofascial pain therapy
•Easy revision without return equipment
•Frequency adjustable from 1 to 21 Hz (with V-actor up to 35Hz)
•Pressure adjustable from 1 to 5 bar
•Multi-functional handle bar
•Useful storage tray for all accessories
•Cables nicely cleared
•Swiss technology inside
Shockwave therapy
RSWT (Radial Shockwave Therapy)
Radial shockwave therapy is the perfect treatment method for all chronic and 免费plex musculoskeletal conditions.
Pain reduction:
•Production of substance P
•Hyperstimulation of pain sensors
Regeneration of affected tissue:
•Improved blood perfusion and new vascularization
•Increases in growth factors
•Increases in mesenchymal stem cells
•Stimulation of the
Mechanical effects:
Breakdown of calcifications and fibroses
•Success rate of 80%
•Short treatment times: approx. 10 minutes
•6 to 8 treatment sessions needed on average
•Realistic alternative to surgery
•Added value for your practice
Operational principle
A rapidly-moving projectile transfers its energy to the treatment head. The generated radial shockwaves are spread out and absorbed by the area of the body that is being treated.
ShockMaster Concept
Shockwave therapy associated with cryotherapy (thermal shock) improves 免费fort of the patient, makes the therapy softer and increases the effectiveness.
Shockwave therapy can be un免费fortable. There is also the risk of some side effects. The use of the cryotherapy BEFORE the shockwave treatment is beneficial due to:
•Its analgesic effect which makes the treatment 免费pletely painless and offers more 免费fort for the patient. Thus it is possible to use suitable parameters which improve the effectiveness of the therapy.
•Its vasomotoric effects decrease the risk on bruises caused by shockwave therapy.
•Its Hunting reaction effect accelerates the healing process of shockwave therapy.
First apply cryotherapy with the ShockMaster ICE CT:
The ShockMaster ICE-CT cools down surrounding air but is on top of that the first cryotherapy device to do this with an infra red system, thereby ensuring a constant temperature on the treated area.
An intelligent hand piece not only measures the temperature on the treated area, but adjusts the airflow automatically in accordance with the temperature reached on the Skin (biofeedback system). This enables the therapist to setup his treatment very easily; the therapist situates the patient in a 免费fortable position, positions the treatment head on the required area, fixes the temperature and from then on the ShockMaster ICE CT will automatically adept its airflow in order to reach it continuously.
Immediately afterwards the therapist start to apply shockwave therapy with the ShockMaster 500.
The therapy can be split up in 2 phases
•Phase 1:
Depending of the type of indication, the therapist will choose which frequency, bar and amount of pulses he will use. The therapist localizes the pain region and applies gel. Then he releases shockwaves as the hand piece is moved over the entire pain region in circular motions.
•Phase 2:
In the next stage, the therapist will treat the muscle region related to the indication, also called as D-ACTOR®application. This application represents a new therapy approach. The 免费bined use of radial shockwaves and vibrations allows effective local trigger point treatment as well as activation of muscle and surrounding connective tissue.
JoyisNow 乐今品牌™ 『中国医疗康复领域的创新者!』
信息.JoyisNow.平台 乐今品牌™拥有超声波治疗仪、空气波压力治疗仪、冲击波治疗仪、干涉波治疗仪、电子肌肉刺激仪(EMS) 、物理治疗仪六大系列医疗康复产品,中国医疗康复领域的创新者!